If physiological health receives so much attention, why not mental health? In reality, both physiological and mental health matter equally. Together, they nurture a healthy well-being.

Mental health is almost an amalgam of emotional, psychological and social well-being. It influences the way we think, feel or act, the way we manage stress; and most definitely, the way we make a choice.

Achieving mental health is not really easy. In fact, mental health problems are quite commonly reported. We often forget that mental health is crucial for living longer and happier, and to feel the bliss of being with our loved ones.

Facts about Mental Illness:

  • Children experience mental health problems too! Early diagnosis of mental illness prevents it from interfering with the child’s growth and development.
  • It is only a myth that persons diagnosed with mental illness are violent. Only 3-5% of them turn violent, and that too, in acute cases of mental illness. In fact, severe mental illness sufferers are 10x more likely to get victimized by violence.
  • Employees with mental illness have better attendance, punctuality, motivation, performance, and job tenure (provided they receive effective treatment).
  • Mental illnesses are 100% recoverable.
  • Therapy, rehabilitation and counselling, apart from medications, assist in faster recovery.

Classes of Mental Disorders:

  1. Neuro-developmental Disorders: ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), Learning Disorder
  2. Schizophrenia and other Psychotic Disorders
  3. Bipolar and related disorders
  4. Depressive Disorders
  5. Anxiety Disorders
  6. Obsessive Compulsive Disorders (OCD)
  7. Stress Disorders
  8. Anorexia Nervosa or Binge-eating Disorders
  9. Addictive Disorders
  10. Neuro-cognitive Disorders like Alzheimer’s Disease

Factors of Mental Disorders:

  • Stress
  • Social isolation / loneliness
  • Death of close ones
  • Childhood abuse or trauma
  • Genetic factor
  • Long term physical health
  • Poverty, unemployment
  • Environmental factors like discrimination, injustice, inequalities, etc
  • Poor pregnancy adaptation for child’s mental health


Diagnosis of mental health involves several procedures. Healthcare professionals evaluate it by asking questions about symptoms and medical history, followed by physical examinations. There are no clinical tests to detect mental health, but doctors may use psychological tests to examine if any particular cause is responsible for symptoms.

“Treat them with Dignity, to treat them as being of Worth”

Persons with mental disorders should be treated with dignity. They are equally entitled to education, work and societal contributions. They must be guided towards a purposeful and meaningful life.

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